Thousands of people immigrate to Canada every year mostly through skilled worker programs, family sponsorship, or investor programs. All of these options provide a chance to foreigners so that they can become permanent residents of Canada. There are other options that provide a temporary residency such as a student visa or work visa.
If you become a Canadian permanent resident, you can, later on, apply for Canadian citizenship. So, if you are looking to immigrate to Canada there are many methods through which you can apply, some of them include;
Temporary residency
Permanent residency
Skilled worker program
Family sponsorship
Investor program etc.
In the year 2016, Canada has admitted into their country more than 300,000 new immigrants. This is close to 1% of its total population. This is a greater portion than any other developed country, but this is not something new. This has been going on for two decades.
The results of this, today, one in every five Canadians was born abroad, a percentage which is almost double that of US or UK. According to the prestigious Environics institute, most citizens (almost 80%) consider immigration to be good for the economy and it is the best way to deal with the issue of aging population in Canada.
The most important thing for a country is the growth of the economy so why would Canada not want immigrants who are willing to work, set up companies, get education and do all types of works leading to its economic growth.
In just a year Canada built up free trade relationships with almost 60% of the world’s economy. Canadian prime minister Trudeau wants to expand it and increase trade with China. The government is also looking forward to increasing immigration by 50% every single year.
Not only for Canada, but immigration is important for the citizens of other countries too and it is an achievement if you secure a Canadian visa. To move to Canada, the first thing you need to do is to find the best Canadian immigration consultant in Pakistan. Following are some of the reasons that explain why Canadian immigration is important for everyone;
Canada is one of those developed countries that promote immigration and has a multicultural population which means it is very easy to adapt to the new environment and get settled there,
For the people who want to get settled abroad, Canada is one of the best countries as its major goal is to get more and more immigrants to improve its economy, and it’s not looking for temporary residents.
The national languages of Canada include French and English so for people who are immigrating to Canada, it would be easy to carry out their lives smoothly without the language barriers.
The life that Canada offers is considered to be one of the most promising living conditions. So, for the people who are moving to some other country and want to maintain a good living standard, Canada is the best option.
Not only the lifestyle but in the matter of beauty and cleanliness Canada comes second to none. The residents get clean and healthy air to breathe in, there are parks in every neighborhood, the atmosphere and the environment is the best to live in.
The major areas of Canada are covered in snow and the winters last long but when the summer comes, it’s a kind of festivity of its own. There are different events arranged every week to enjoy and spread love among each other.
The Canadians believe in work-life balance so anyone living in Canada has a proper balance between work and their lives, so they can live to their fullest.
So, if you have made up your mind to try your luck and immigrate to Canada, you must be wondering what are the requirements. It’s not an easy process especially if you’re new to all this stuff, so here at Highbrow, we help you. In this regard, we have compiled a guide on Canada immigration requirements to make the process hassle-free for you.