IELTS is not so difficult to pass as most people think about it. Passing the IELTS exam is easy with 5 to 6 points. A candidate thinking to secure above from 8 or 8.5 could be difficult. Getting higher marks or grades on the ILETS test has never been easy for anyone. It needs a lot of hard work, practice, and more importantly focus and concentration.
Most of the candidates for IELTS start their preparation 1 year or 2 before the sitting exam. IELTS needs the dedication of candidates to exams. A focused and dedicated candidate can score CLB 10. The continuous practice of candidates can drag him to the ledge of success.
IELTS test consists of 4 categories such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The candidate having more than 8 marks in every one of these categories can secure CBL 10.
How to Prepare for CLB 10
The candidate who wants to score higher grades on IELTS has to pay heed to all of these categories. These 4 categories are needed to be well learned to score marks.
Let’s talk about listening skills. Listening skills can be improved, if the candidate is well known in the English language. This can be improved by listening to songs or watching movies. While watching a movie or listening song, the candidate should have to concentrate on the words being spoken. At the start, the candidate can get help from subtitles but gradually try to understand the speaking of the movie. These tricks could be effective in the improvement of listening skills.
As the reading is concerned, the reading skill can be improved by only one thing. – reading books and novels can highly improve their reading skills and will improve their knowledge. Book reading could be effective in the improvement of reading skill.
Writing skills are one of the most essential skills for the IELTS candidate. Essay writing is not an easy task. It requires plenty of knowledge and vocabulary to write. The essay can’t be written informally using simple words. An essay written reasonably and with good vocabulary can affect a great impact on marks. Writing skills can be improved by writing often. Writing on a different topic by your idea can greatly improve your writing habit. Formally written essay with a strong verb. Summarized can cast a great impact on the checker of your test. This trick could be much help in scoring above 7 marks in Writing skills.
Speaking skills need a lot of practice. It also needs the vocabulary to speak with fluency. English speaking be fluency can cast a sharp image. Choice of words in communication greatly affects your image. A candidate can improve his speaking skills by trying voice tutorials and practicing as much as possible.
The accent in speaking English also matters in the fluency of English. Better English speaking could grab you higher grades.
These tricks described in detail could be very helpful in securing 8 to 8.5 marks in every category. Dedication and focus of candidates are also needed with hard work and Practice.
Before you start practicing and preparing for IELTS, you should have a piece of good information on the IELTS test, its type, how can you pass it, what are the test modes, and much more. So, read
However, if you need IELTS coaching and a proper guide on the process and test, you would need professional assistance. Highbrow provides excellent IELTS coaching that gets you great grades and points for immigration.
You would be also interested in Where to Prepare IELTS for Canada Immigration if you’re particularly interested in immigrating to Canada whether it’s for studies, work, business, or whatever that requires you to pass the IELTS.
Furthermore, it might be a surprise for you there are opportunities that you can get avail without IELTS. Yes, especially if you’re a student. There are some educational institutes that offer IELTS free enrolment and even scholarships. Some useful links in this regard are: