With rising economic instability and inflation, more people from developing countries like Pakistan are looking to migrate to developed nations like Canada for a better livelihood. Luckily, the express entry draw Canada is a perfect way for such skilled individuals worldwide who desire to settle permanently in Canada.
This system of immigration primarily oversees 3 federal economic programs: Skilled Trade, Workers Program, and Canadian Express Class. Online profiles are submitted by applicants and those meeting standard requirements enter the pool. The top individuals are then invited via repeated invitation rounds to submit their permanent residency application forms.
In this blog, we’ll look closely at how these invitation rounds operate, and what you can do to boost your selection likelihood under these programs.
Express Entry Invitations- Working:
It utilizes a comprehensive point ranking system called CRS scores which are determined by different components including age, qualification, language efficiency, adaptability, etc. The invitation to submit a PR application is then subsequently sent to the top scorers.
A wave of invites is sent out by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) every few weeks. The IRCC establishes acceptable lowest score criteria for each round, and applicants who meet or surpass it ultimately get the invitation to apply (ITA) and obtain PR. It must be noted that the min. points needed to differ for every round depending on factors like the quantity of applying candidates and how many people the govt. wants to invite.
Also, only attaining the required minimum CRS score doesn’t ensure acceptance. If there are two persons having the same min. CRS count, The IRCC further employs a tie-breaking method (time and date of express profile submission) in order to finalize who would get applying invitation. As a result, individuals whose profiles were filed first will receive priority. Further confirmation on this can be obtained from different Canadian visa consultants in Pakistan.
Ways to Improve Your Chances of Being Invited:
Once you have learned about the basics, it’s essential to know what things you should focus on to secure an invitation faster. Some of these tips are discussed below.
First, focus on the most crucial criterion i.e. CRS points, and ensure its improvement timely by making extra efforts e.g. taking additional courses, obtaining more relevant job experience, or retaking language exams, etc.
Find certain Canadian Provincial Programs matching your specific profile. If qualified, these provinces may give you a direct PR nomination which would boost the probability of you getting invited.
After receiving the invitation, you would have only sixty days to complete the PR application. Therefore, ensure to prepare relevant documents and fill out your forms as quickly as possible to prevent any inconvenience or delays.
Finally, speak with a lawyer or consultant who focuses on Canadian immigration. Based on their expertise, they can offer valuable suggestions to boost your profile for obtaining PR in Canada.
In conclusion, though the Express entry draw Canada can be a competitive route, understanding deeply how it functions and then preparing accordingly can greatly improve your success chances of obtaining Canadian PR.
If you require professional guidance in preparing a good profile, get in touch with our Canadian visa consultants at Highbrow. They would analyze your case and assist you to reach your goal in no time.